Friday, September 27, 2024

Dora K2 - Week 6 (9/30 - 10/4)

   This week, we will play a school supplies game and begin learning about farm animals.

School Supplies: Book, crayon, pencil, notebook, book bag, pencil case, pen, ruler.

Farm Animals: Horse, chicken, cow, donkey, duck, sheep.

We will be using the following books:

- Dora pages 12-13

- Superkids pages 14-15

Super Kids online

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Dora K2 - Week 5 (9/23 - 9/27)

 This week, we will continue focusing on school supplies, numbers and read a story.

School Supplies: Book, crayon, pencil, notebook, book bag, pencil case, pen, ruler.

Numbers: 0 - 12

Story: Count with Me

We will be using the following books:

- Dora pages 10-11

- Superkids pages 12-13

Super Kids online

Friday, September 13, 2024

Dora K2 - Week 4 (9/16- 9/20)

This week, we will continue focusing on numbers and begin learning about school supplies.

Numbers: 0 - 12

School Supplies: Book, crayon, pencil, notebook, book bag, pencil case, pen, ruler.

Story: The Talent Show

We will be using the following books:

- Dora pages 8-9

- Superkids pages 10-11

Super Kids online

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Dora K2 - Week 3 (9/9 - 9/13)

   This week, we will continue to focus on  colors and numbers.

Colors: Pink, purple, orange, gray, brown.

Numbers: 0 - 12

Song: Ten Balloons

We will be using the following books.

- Dora pages 6-7

- Superkids pages 8-9

Super Kids online

Friday, September 6, 2024

K2 Dora PTO

Good evening.
Please have a look to learn more about me and the upcoming year. 😊

K2 Dora PTO

Thank you!

Monday, September 2, 2024

K2 Dora - Week 2 (9/2 - 9/6)

    Welcome to K2 Dora!

My name is Teacher Megan.

Looking forward to a joyful year together. 😊

 This week, we will begin focusing on colors and numbers.

Colors: Pink, purple, orange, gray, brown.

Numbers: 0 - 12

Song: Hello! How Are You?

We will be using the following books.

- Dora pages 2-5

- Super Kids pages 6-7 

Super Kids online


Dora K2 - Week 17 (12/16 - 12/20)

             This week, we will continue focusing on food and play a fun game. Food:  Cake, bananas, nuts, chocolate, yogurt, water. Fun:  S...